26th International Conference


Diabetes and Endocrinology

Event Date

November 22-23, 2024


Barcelona, Spain


– Previous Conference Performers / Professionals From Around The Globe

Ahmed Ali

Ahmed Ali

  • Diyala University, Iraq
Aikaterini Ziaka

Aikaterini Ziaka

  • Physio4you, Greece

AMR Hawal

  • Professor, Prime Healthcare Group UAE
Antonio Steardo

Antonio Steardo

  • University of Salerno, Italy
Ashraf Lotfy Fayed

Ashraf Lotfy Fayed

  • ENT Military Hospital, Egypt

Aspazija Sofijanova

  • Director of Pediatric Clinic, Macedonia
Brandon P. Lucke-Wold

Brandon P. Lucke-Wold

  • University of Florida, Florida
Brankica Vasiljevic

Brankica Vasiljevic

  • NMC Royal Hospital, UAE

Bruce Ogden

  • Director of Operations US Foods USA
Cornelia Beyer

Cornelia Beyer

  • University of Hull, UK
Gabriela Barsov

Gabriela Barsov

  • Macedonia
Grazzia Rey

Grazzia Rey

  • University of the Republic, Uruguay
Hadi Salloum

Hadi Salloum

  • UAE
Heather Carmello

Heather Carmello

  • University of Rochester, USA
Howard Weber

Howard Weber

  • Penn State Hershey Childrens Hospital, USA
Ilknur AydınAvci

Ilknur AydınAvci

  • Turkey
Irene Hamrick

Irene Hamrick

  • University of Cincinnati, USA
José De Jesús Curiel Valdés

José De Jesús Curiel Valdés

  • Clínical Patology, Mexico
Lloyd L. Tran

Lloyd L. Tran

  • Biomed Industries, USA
Luca Roncati

Luca Roncati

  • University Hospital of Modena, Italy
Mahmoud Al Cheikh Ahmad

Mahmoud Al Cheikh Ahmad

  • UAE
Maria Braoudaki

Maria Braoudaki

  • University of Hertfordshire , United Kingdom
Marina F Gubkina

Marina F Gubkina

  • National Research Medical University, Russia
Muhamad Akhal

Muhamad Akhal

  • UAE
Peter Krcho

Peter Krcho

  • Pavol Jozef safarik University, Slovakia
Pinghong Zhou

Pinghong Zhou

  • Fudan University, China
Raffaele Pilla

Raffaele Pilla

  • University of Salerno, Italy
Ruut Veenhoven

Ruut Veenhoven

  • Seres Therapeutics, United States

Said Moustafa M. El-deib

  • Yas Clinic Khalifa City UAE
Sajidxa Marino

Sajidxa Marino

  • Central University of Venezuela, Venezuela
Sajidxa Marino

Sajidxa Marino

  • Central University of Venezuela, Venezuela

Sam Vaknin

  • Southern Federal University, Russia
Sandra Vélez Candelario

Sandra Vélez Candelario

  • Catholic University of Puerto Rico, USA
Simon Treissman

Simon Treissman

  • Royal Inland Hospital, Canada
Taylor Bean

Taylor Bean

  • Salmon Arm, Canada

Thiago Hoesker

  • Neuro surgeon , Brazil
Tracy Roake

Tracy Roake

  • Danat Al Emarat Hospital, UAE
Vladimir Zajac

Vladimir Zajac

  • Cancer Research Institute, Slovakia

William J Rowe

  • Specialist in Medicine, USA
Yu You Liu

Yu You Liu

  • National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

Media Partners/Collaborator

A huge thanks to all our amazing partners. We couldn’t have a conference without you!


A huge thanks to all our amazing partners. We couldn’t have a conference without you!

Diabetes Conference 2024

It is an honor and privilege to invite participants from All over the world to attend 26th International Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology which is going to be held on November 22-23, 2024 in Barcelona, Spain which incorporates incite keynote introductions, oral talks, and Poster Presentations.

Meet the Global Inspiring experts and speakers at our Diabetes Conference 2024 which will focus on bringing together individuals who have an interest in different fields of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolic Disorders such as Endocrinologists, Diabetologists, Medical Professors, Researchers, Diabetes and Endocrinology Scientists, Practitioners, Physical trainer, Medical students.
Diabetes Conference 2024 highlights the theme “Technologies and practical approaches: Diabetes and Endocrine disorders” Which emphasizes the latest advancements in the prevention and treatment cure of diabetic and endocrine complications and strategies related to diagnosis, prevention, and management of metabolic disorders as well as explore new ideas and concepts for the treatment of Endocrine Complications.

Why attend?

Medical doctors, patients, and health care providers examine the prevention of Endocrinology as an essential tool to improve the general health status of the population. The proportion of people suffering from Diabetes is expected to increase in the future according to a recent analytical survey. Realizing this imperative, it was set to establish an International Conference on Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolism for a view to enhance research and promote awareness aiming in developing solutions for the challenges encountered.

Benefits of Attending the Conference

  • Communicate ideas and network with leading diabetologists, endocrinologists, diabetes researchers, clinician’s researchers, diabetes and endocrinology professionals, and also researchers from more than 40 countries.
  • Discuss ways to hook up in putting quality initiatives in place throughout diabetes, endocrinology, and metabolism study and diabetes & endocrinology disorders and treatment.
  • Participants can attain direct access to a core audience of professionals and decision-makers and can increase clarity through branding and networking at the conference.
  • Prepare and discuss key news and challenges with senior-level speakers.
  • With presentations, panel discussions, roundtable discussions, and workshops, we cover each and every topic from global macro issues to approaches to diplomatic issues.

Highlights of the Conference

  • Meet Health care experts, Endocrinologists, Diabetologists, and Nutritionists from different countries all over the world.
  • Meet your associates and evaluate your research in front of experts
  • World-class platform to show your products and services.
  • Exclusive of 25 presentations from Industry and Academia leader
  • One-to-one intercommunication, B2B, and B2A, etc.
  • Well standardized Scientific Program with hours of Networking sessions
  • Bilateral panel discussions and Q&A sessions
  • Outstanding Poster Awards, Young Research Forums

Target Audience

Session and Tracks 

Track 1: Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a pervasive metabolic disorder characterized by prolonged high glucose levels. This multifactorial condition results from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Insulin, a hormone produced by beta cells, plays a crucial role in glucose activation within body cells. However, in diabetes, there is either insulin resistance or insufficient insulin production, leading to elevated blood glucose levels. Symptoms include increased urination, excessive thirst, and persistent hunger. Prolonged high glucose levels can lead to severe complications, affecting the heart, kidneys, and nervous system.

Track 2: Types of Diabetes and its Complications

More than 10% of individuals with diabetes have type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune condition where the body’s defense system attacks insulin-producing cells. In contrast, type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance, where the body fails to respond adequately to insulin. Complications may arise due to impaired insulin secretion or increased resistance, impacting overall glucose control.

Track 3: Cardio Diabetes

Cardiovascular disease stands as the leading cause of mortality among individuals with type 2 diabetes. The term “cardiodiabetes” is coined to describe the co-occurrence of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, contributing to the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart diseases.

Track 4: Pediatric Endocrinology

Endocrine disorders during childhood can lead to severe health issues with long-lasting consequences. High blood glucose levels, especially in younger ages, may result in both short-term and long-term cognitive and emotional impacts. Obesity and insulin resistance in children can lead to additional complications like polycystic ovary syndrome, fatty liver, dyslipidemia, and hypertension.

Track 5: Endocrinology – Obesity and Lipids

Obesity has become a prevalent and escalating health concern, significantly contributing to cardiovascular disease risks. Overweight and obese individuals often exhibit raised risk factors such as dyslipidemia and inflammation. The relationship between adiponectin, a hormone released by fat tissue, and obesity is extensively studied.

Track 6: Diabetes and the Kidneys

Nephropathy, or kidney damage, is a common complication associated with diabetes. Diabetic nephropathy, categorized into nephritis and nephrosis, results from high blood glucose levels damaging the small vessels in the kidneys. In severe cases, this can lead to kidney failure, especially in individuals with persistently elevated blood glucose levels or those who smoke.

Track 7: Diabetic Retinopathy: Causes, symptoms & Treatments

Diabetic retinopathy is a condition that damages the blood vessels within the retinal tissue, leading to fluid leakage and distorted vision. Notably, this condition may begin without noticeable changes in vision, making regular eye examinations critical for early detection. Managing diabetes and maintaining optimal blood glucose levels play a crucial role in preventing the progression of severe diabetic retinopathy.

Track 8: Diabetic Foot Problems

Diabetic foot problems are prevalent, costly, and pose significant risks, often resulting in complications such as amputations. Individuals with diabetes need proper education on foot care practices and access to comfortable and adequate footwear to prevent such complications.

Track 9: Metabolic Disorders

Acquired metabolic diseases encompass various clinical conditions caused by genetic defects, often inherited from parents. These conditions interfere with the body’s metabolism, impacting energy production and other vital processes. Familial hypercholesterolemia, Gaucher disease, Hunter syndrome, and Krabbe disease are among the metabolic disorders that can significantly affect an individual’s health.

Track 10: Reproductive Endocrinology

Fertility and pregnancy are crucial aspects of human life, and individuals with diabetes face unique challenges in these areas. Women with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing thyroid issues, facing complications during pregnancy, labor, and potential miscarriages. Careful management is essential to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy outcome.

Track 11: Adrenal Insufficiency and Adrenal Crisis

Adrenal crisis is a severe manifestation of adrenal insufficiency, often triggered by increased physiological stress or reduced cortisol supply. This life-threatening condition can occur in various situations, such as acute myocardial infarction, sepsis, surgery, or trauma. Rapid withdrawal of steroids in patients with long-term steroid administration is a common iatrogenic cause of adrenal crisis.

Track 12: Endocrine Disorders

Endocrine disorders encompass a wide range of diseases affecting the endocrine glands, disrupting the production and regulation of hormones. Conditions such as diabetes mellitus, acromegaly, Addison’s disease, Cushing’s syndrome, Graves’ disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and prolactinoma are examples of endocrine disorders that require careful management to maintain hormonal balance.

Track 13: Diabetes and Cancer

Diabetes and cancer are prominent diseases with substantial impacts on public health. Epidemiological studies indicate that individuals with diabetes face an elevated risk of certain types of cancer. The relationship between type 2 diabetes and cancer involves shared risk factors, yet the precise biological connections between the two conditions remain inadequately understood.

Track 14: Endocrinology Tests and Procedure

Various hormonal disorders, such as hypothyroidism, may necessitate diverse treatment approaches, including conventional medication or more complex interventions like surgery. Endocrinologists utilize blood and urine tests to assess hormonal levels and may employ imaging tests to identify tumors or abnormalities in the body. The treatment of endocrine disorders often requires careful consideration, as alterations in one hormone level may impact the balance of others.

Track 15: Diabetes Diet Eating and Physical Activity

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular physical activity, plays a pivotal role in managing the risk of diabetes. Select herbs, such as curcumin and berberine, may help increase insulin sensitivity and mitigate the progression of diabetes. The primary goal in treating both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is to control glucose levels within normal ranges. Type 1 diabetes typically requires insulin, along with exercise and a healthy diet. In type 2 diabetes, weight reduction, a proper diet, and regular exercise are initial steps, with medication prescribed when lifestyle changes are insufficient.

Track 16: Diabetes Diagnosis and Treatment

Healthcare professionals diagnose diabetes through blood tests that reveal glucose levels. Individuals with indirect risk factors for diabetes, even without immediate symptoms, may also undergo testing. Early detection allows for timely intervention and management to prevent complications. For type 1 diabetes, which often has a genetic component, Trial Net offers free testing to relatives of affected individuals, even in the absence of symptoms. Children aged 10 to 18 who are overweight or obese and exhibit two other risk factors for diabetes should undergo testing according to expert recommendations.

Track 17: Diabetic Surgeries

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is a global epidemic affecting over 150 million individuals. Considered a chronic and progressive disease, severe obesity, defined by exceeding optimal weight or being over 200% of ideal body weight, is associated with high mortality and morbidity. Bariatric surgery emerges as a viable treatment, resulting in significant and sustained weight loss, along with the resolution or improvement of comorbidities. Current criteria for surgery in severely obese patients include a body mass index (BMI) greater than 40 or greater than 35 in the presence of comorbidities.

Track 18: Common Challenging Procedures of Diabetes and Endocrinology

Endocrinologists face various challenges in treating a range of endocrine problems and dysfunctions. One significant challenge is overcoming negative perceptions of insulin treatment within the community. Implementing patient and doctor-centered programs to increase awareness at different levels of diabetes care is essential for ensuring consistent information and promoting positive attitudes toward treatment.

Track 19: Diabetic Wound Care

Effective wound care is crucial in managing diabetic patients to prevent complications and reduce the risk of amputations. Diabetic individuals are prone to slow-healing wounds, particularly on the feet, making meticulous wound care and regular monitoring imperative.

Track 20: Diabetes Non-Pharmacological Interventions

Non-pharmacological interventions, including lifestyle modifications, are integral components of diabetes management. Emphasizing a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and weight management can significantly contribute to glycemic control and reduce the reliance on medication.

Track 21: Neuroendocrinology

Neuroendocrinology explores the intricate relationship between the nervous system and endocrine glands, investigating the mechanisms by which the brain regulates hormonal secretion and vice versa. Understanding this interplay is crucial for comprehending various physiological processes and maintaining overall health.

Track 22: Medical Devices for Diabetes

Advancements in medical devices play a pivotal role in diabetes management. Continuous glucose monitors and insulin pumps, among other technologies, offer innovative solutions for monitoring and controlling blood glucose levels, enhancing the quality of life for individuals with diabetes.

Track 23: Stem Cells in Diabetes and Endocrinology

Stem cell research holds promise for innovative treatments in diabetes and endocrinology. The potential of stem cells to differentiate into various cell types offers opportunities for regenerative therapies, potentially transforming the landscape of diabetes treatment.

Track 24: Diabetic Vascular Disease

Vascular complications, such as atherosclerosis, contribute significantly to cardiovascular diseases in individuals with diabetes. Comprehensive vascular care is essential for managing diabetic vascular disease and reducing the risk of associated complications. Regular monitoring and timely intervention can mitigate the impact of vascular complications in diabetic patients.


Market Analysis

The Diabetes Conference 2024 represents a critical juncture in the healthcare sector, providing a comprehensive platform for professionals, researchers, and industry stakeholders to discuss and address the latest developments in the field. Market analysis indicates a growing demand for conferences dedicated to diabetes and endocrinology, driven by the increasing prevalence of these conditions globally and the continuous pursuit of advancements in treatment and management.

The market for diabetes and endocrinology conferences is expanding due to several factors. The rising incidence of diabetes and endocrine disorders, lifestyle changes, and genetic predispositions contribute to the increasing demand for knowledge-sharing and collaboration within the medical community. This conference attracts endocrinologists, diabetologists, researchers, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare professionals seeking insights into the latest research findings, treatment modalities, and technological innovations.

Key drivers for the growth of this market include the continuous evolution of diabetes management strategies, the integration of digital health technologies, and the emphasis on personalized medicine. The Diabetes and Endocrinology Conference serves as a hub for networking, interdisciplinary collaboration, and exposure to cutting-edge research.

Pharmaceutical companies often leverage the conference to showcase their latest medications, therapies, and technologies related to diabetes and endocrinology. As the global burden of diabetes and endocrine disorders continues to rise, the market for conferences in this field is expected to witness sustained growth. The conference will likely play a crucial role in advancing medical knowledge, fostering collaborations, and ultimately improving patient outcomes in the realm of diabetes and endocrinology.

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