- Access to All Sessions
- Abstract publication with assigned PSIN / WEB link
- Abstract Book and Scientific Program
- Certificate for Presentation and Participation
- Best Speaker Award
- Best E-poster / Young research Award
- Your Co-author / colleagues can join with you for online presentation
- £550
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- Access to All Sessions
- Abstract publication with assigned PSIN / WEB link
- Abstract Book and Scientific Program
- Certificate for Presentation and Participation
- Best Speaker Award
- Best E-poster / Young research Award
- your Co-author / colleagues can join with you for online presentation
- Book Now
- Access to All Sessions
- Abstract publication with assigned PSIN / WEB link
- Abstract Book and Scientific Program
- Certificate for Presentation and Participation
- Best Speaker Award
- Best E-poster / Young research Award
- your Co-author / colleagues can join with you for online presentation
- £430
- Book Now
Abstract or Article Publication
- Publication Link with DOI
- Abstract publication with assigned PSIN Identifications
- E-Abstract Book and E-Program
- E-Certificate for Presentation and Participation
- Best Speaker Award
- Best E-poster / Young research Award
- your Co-author / colleagues can join with you for online presentation
- Promotion in Conference Website and Social Media
- £399
- Book Now